Available Components

  Available Adapters:

DB Adapter
DB adapter provides database connectivity in an easy way. All that is required for a JReps application to connect to a database is a connection profile.

EJB Adapter
EJB Adapter provides connectivity to majority of application servers through EJB interfaces.

CMD Adapter
Command adapter allows access to operating system shell. Any operating system program or JVM function can be executed through this adapter.

FS Adapter
Filesystem adapter provides access to files and folders. It can read content of a folder, view file's properties, read and write file.

XML Adapter
XML Adapter parses source XML document and process its content.

File Adapter
File adapter is used to work with formatted and unformatted data stored in flat files. This adapter converts rows of data delimited by any character in fields.

Comp Adapter
Comp adapter allows all variables loaded in memory to be queried and manipulated. All changes are per current session only.